Faculty of Medical Sciences > Geriatric Mental Health > In Patient Services
In-patients services:
Department has its own provision for indoor services on 27 beds (20 general and 7 private beds). The services are being provided since 10th October, 2008.
State of art Indoor services
ECG Service is being provided since 22nd August, 2010 to out and in-patients of the department.
A fully computerized EEG service is being provided since 1st May 2009, not only to patients of the Department of Geriatric Mental Health but also to the patients from other departments of this Medical University and outside.
One of the most modern ECT machines (Mecta model Spectrum 5000Q ECT machine) is being used for Electro Convulsive Therapy of the inpatients and outpatients. This center is being developed as National Electro Convulsive Therapy centre for ECT services; training of manpower and also have been planned for starting certificate course in geriatric ECT.
Occupational Therapy:
Bio Chemical Lab: