Oral pre-cancer and cancer, maxillofacial imaging,
Biomedical waste management
E-mail: dranuragtripathi@yahoo.co.in,
Dr. Vikram Khanna
MDS Oral Medicine & Radiology
Additional Professor
TMJ disorders, orofacial pain, maxillofacial imaging, oral cancer and pre-cancer
E-mail: vikramkhanna@kgmcindia.edu
Dr. Akhilanand Chaurasia
MDS Oral Medicine & Radiology
Associate Professor
Chronobiology of Head and Neck Cancer,
Cysts and Tumors of Head and Neck Region
,Invasive management of Oral Premalignant lesions and Conditions,
Ultrasonography of Head and Neck Region
E-mail: chaurasiaakhilanand49@gmail.com,
Dr. Vandana Singh
MDS Oral Medicine & Radiology
Additional Professor
maxillofacial imaging,
Management of patient with systemic disorders, oral cancer